Services Provided

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without also helping himself. --Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Addiction & Recovery
  • Pre-contemplative counseling. “Do I really have a problem”?
    Pre-treatment counseling. “I’m ready and I need some help deciding what to do next”.
    Aftercare counseling. “I just finished a treatment program and now I need ongoing support”.
    Relapse Prevention counseling. “I need tools to help me avoid relapse”.
    Recovery Coach services. “I need a program of accountability and support”.

  • Dual Diagnosis
  • Counseling for individuals who suffer from both a substance abuse and mental health diagnosis (Depression, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective and Bi-Polar)

  • Couples & Family Recovery Counseling
  • After years of a couple and family living with active addiction, recovery can be a game changer. Couples counseling can help navigate how a partner and family can adjust to the challenges that go with sober living.

  • Parenting Support
  • Living with teenagers is a challenge, living with a teenager that is trying to stay clean and sober is an art. Helping parents and teens work together is an important component of successful adolescent recovery.

  • Grief Counseling
  • Giving up an addiction can be like losing a dear friend that you have known for a long time. Addressing the grief that accompanies the loss of an addiction is an important part of the recovery process.